Chairwoman of the Control Board

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Magdalena Petrova-Kirova


Associate Professor in the Department of “Economics and Accounting in Transport” at the Faculty of “Transport Management” of Todor Kableshkov University of Transport.

Main lecture courses: Accounting standardization, Business management, Accounting document flow, Accounting of the transport enterprise, Accounting theory, Management accounting, Financial accounting, Analysis of financial statements.


1. Accounting, financial analysis, budget management of enterprises from the transport and other sectors of the economy.

2. Financial reporting and corporate sustainability.

Author of over 30 publications in Bulgarian and English in specialized scientific journals in our country and abroad in the field of economics. Author of 2 monographs and 2 textbooks and teaching aids. Over 20 reports presented at scientific forums.

Member of teams in the development and implementation of a number of national research projects.

Developed a project under the National Program “Young Scientists and Postdoctoral Fellows-2”, module “Postdoctoral Fellows”, on the topic “Impact of the European Central Bank’s Policy to Increase EURIBOR on the Financial Stability of Transport Enterprises-Leaseholders (Diagnostic and Prognostic Analysis and Assessment)”.

Academic mentor of students from the Bachelor’s Degree Program, majors “Transport Economics” and “Accounting and Analysis in Transport”.

Professional Development:

  • from January 2025 – Chairwoman of the Control Board of VTU “Todor Kableshkov”;
  • from 2024 – Associate Professor at the Department of “Economics and Accounting in Transport” at the Faculty of “Transport Management” of VTU “Todor Kableshkov”;
  • 2018-2024 – Chief Assistant Professor at the Department of “Economics and Accounting in Transport” at the Faculty of “Transport Management” of VTU “Todor Kableshkov”;
  • 2014-2018 – Assistant Professor at the Department of “Economics and Accounting in Transport” at the Faculty of “Transport Management” of VTU “T. Kableshkov”.

Education and academic career:

  • Master’s degree “Economics of Transport”, VTU “T. Kableshkov”, professional qualification: “Master – Economist”. Specialization
  • Has specializations and certificates in the field of accounting legislation and financial reporting.
  • Doctor’s degree –  acquired educational and scientific degree “Doctor” with dissertation topic “Possibilities of the integrated reporting system as a tool for improving the performance of enterprises in the transport sector”, in the scientific specialty “Economics and Management in Transport” in the field of higher education 3 “Social, Economic and Legal Sciences”, professional direction 3.8 “Economics”.
  • Associate Professor in the field of higher education 3 “Social, Economic and Legal Sciences”, professional direction 3.8 “Economics” (Accounting Standardization).